3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA)


Services Experience:
In providing applications software support, InDyne incorporates disciplined software development lifecycle processes, including lifecycle management and development, development of and adherence to approved application architectures, project scheduling, security, and configuration management. In support of systems and applications development, InDyne analyzes, recommends, acquires, integrates, and deploys innovative solutions consisting of COTS products, GOTS products, modified off-the-shelf, open source/ public domain, and/or new custom developed products in appropriate combination. On the ETTC WROCI and HITSS, InDyne successfully manages LANS and WANS.
WROCI Contract: InDyne provides support to the Western Range Information Assurance Officers and Managers in ensuring continued Certification and Accreditation (C&A) of operational systems. In support of annual survey requirements for accredited systems, we perform an evaluation of each system against the 100 IA controls that are allocated to the systems for DIACAP (DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process) compliance. For modification to operational systems, we provide insights to IA issues created by the proposed modifications and work with the range community to develop mitigation actions. InDyne updates or develops new C&A packages that are Air Force Space Command compliant prior to operation of any systems. InDyne uses a team of system experienced IA Security Plus and Certified Information Systems Security Professionals who have participated in implementing DIACAP IA controls for operational systems.

All Points Logistics

Services Experience:
APL provides Information Assurance Systems Engineering support providing DIACAP certification/accreditation and other information assurance (IA) support to the Launch and Test Range System (LTRS) at Vandenberg AFB, California and Patrick AFB, Florida. We support the design and development of command/control, network and instrumentation systems throughout the range, maintaining close technical involvement with all contributing developmental and customer organizations. Information Assurance (IA) ensures the secure interoperable function of systems being developed and sustained by SLRSC. The security and superiority of SLRSC information and range systems have to be DODI 8500.2 compliant. We take a Defense in Depth approach to IA, layering IA principles and controls that apply to people, processes, and technology. To attain an agile IA posture, SLRSC IA integrates IA controls throughout all facets of the Product Development Process and SDLC into Sustainment Activities. SLRCS Information Assurance is responsible for developing and promulgating IA strategy and policy, coordinating IA within the Program and LTRS components, measuring and evaluating Service and System level IA performance, and executing the DIACAP Process for the Certification and Accreditation per DODI 8500.2 for new and legacy systems on the Eastern and Western Range. SLRSC IA is achieved through cost effective, risk-balanced application of controls in a manner that promotes confidentiality, integrity, availability, non-repudiation, and authentication of information. The first three attributes are widely applicable to systems and are the basis for DoD-Wide system characterization and subsequent assignment of appropriate IA controls.

Erica Lane Enterprises

Services Experience:
USA AMCOM, Information Technology Support Services (ITSS)

Lockheed Martin

Services Experience:
ISPAN GAP CIE Contract: LM’s ISPAN GAP CIE has a robust IA program supporting software development and testing. LM has developed an extensive online developer guide for communicating IA coding practices and standards. We employ a static code analysis tool (Fortify) to automatically inspect code for potential IA issues. We use an automated penetration tool (Cenzic Hailstorm) to perform dynamic testing of the ISPAN GAP CIE product to discover potential IA issues for a user interface perspective. The resultant product has been found by the customer to have a surprisingly low number of IA-related issues.

MEI Technologies

Services Experience:

DHEP Contract: MEIT performs the IT Systems Administration on the DHEP Contract. We are responsible for the DoD office File Server, The TReK/Continuous Ops File Server, Our desktop systems of all office personnel, and all the hardware and software in the Payload Operations and Control Center. In this capacity we work with our DoD customer in ensuring we have all the needed hardware and software tools to perform the units mission. These include the standard Microsoft desktop suite for our engineers desktop applications, design tool for developing hardware design, Satellite Tool Kit for orbital design and analysis, internally developed software for requirements processing, internally developed simulation software, NASA Flight Control work stations and unique software, Fabrication Lab hardware and software, and TReK/Continuous Ops workstation and software.


RMC Creative Solutions

Services Experience:
Management, operation, and maintenance of RDT&E networks and associated information assurance support services.